Biz Uplift

Business is the Battleground

Business is the Battleground


A businessman needs to prepare and strategize like a war to be successful. A business battleground doesn’t just mean a battle with competitors: it’s a battle of speed, of changing with time, of innovation, of adopting new technologies, of being a purpose-driven brand.

Business is the main battle in modern times in the world. Once upon a time land was occupied was the main battle, but now the mind is occupied. How many brains you can put your brand flag on that is the limit of your business.

On the day Microsoft bought NOKIA company, their CEO was saying in a tearful voice at a press conference.

“We didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost. The world has changed very quickly. We missed out on learning, we missed out on the change.’

Nokia focused on hardware, not software. Did not adopt the new system. To be unique, they brought Windows but couldn’t make it user-friendly. They were not interested in learning anything new. So, they lost the war. No, no one defeated them, they lost the kingdom by their fault.

This war of business is not only outside, but also inside the entrepreneur himself, sometimes the decision is to turn around.

Sometimes the dilemma of decision – to turn around to try again or give up?

Sometimes to maintain integrity, sometimes to play a role as a leader in a crisis, and sometimes to take the dream far alone even after everyone leaves. Bad words from close friends, failure to convince family people, taking a long time to achieve success. An entrepreneur has to move forward by winning these mental battles.

Thousands of ventures are being born and dying every day. Because most of the initiatives in the world are born by imitating or following others. Those who start, come with little knowledge.

Most businesses fail in the end because they don’t have a proper business model, plan, marketing strategy, or revenue model. Surprisingly, the business model, impact method, or Inbound Marketing – Many founders do not know the name of these.

Many do not even understand what a startup is, But, introduce myself as a startup founder. According to a survey report, 91% of business-study students do not understand the difference between a startup and an SME enterprise.


Thousands of ventures are being born and dying every day. Because most of the initiatives in the world are born by imitating or following others. Those who start, come with little knowledge.

Most businesses fail in the end because they don’t have a proper business model, plan, marketing strategy, or revenue model. Surprisingly, the business model, impact method, or Inbound Marketing – Many founders do not know the name of these.

Many do not even understand what a startup is, But, introduce myself as a startup founder. According to a survey report, 91% of business-study students do not understand the difference between a startup and an SME enterprise.

Business plan? Brand guidelines? We do not walk by them. Having some money in hand, managed to source products, and got down to business. If you enter the business field with such little thinking, it is difficult to become a successful businessman in the era of AI, 4R, robots, and data.

Business plan? Brand guidelines? We do not walk by them. Having some money in hand, managed to source products, and got down to business. If you enter the business field with such little thinking, it is difficult to become a successful businessman in the era of AI, 4R, robots, and data.

Well, what qualification does an entrepreneur need first before getting into business?

-Right Mindset. The mentality of thinking of any work as work.

To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to have the mentality to do all kinds of small and big jobs. Must be capable of carrying all types of loads, must become deaf (Being focused on work despite hearing all kinds of harsh words). Otherwise, you will not be able to keep your balance in various negative situations.

It will be possible to set up a big business only if you have the mindset of doing small tasks with a big heart.

A little fear must be working in the mind after hearing the battle. When you read this blog regularly, the fear will go away and you will start a business with billions of dollars

I know less but I feel inside, I know a lot. Not interested in learning.

So, to be successful in business, you need to be willing to learn regularly. CQI (Continuous Quality Improvement) is very important to succeed in the enterprise. I have discussed what to learn in different chapters of this book.


Business, don’t understand yourself. Because ‘Now is the best time for him who is young, to go to war…’ And he who has a dream inside, he is forever young, forever young.






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